Today's Working Hours - 8 am - 5 pm


In addition to what you would expect from any family medicine clinic, we utilize many different modalities in

our attempt to improve your quality of health. Here are just a few of the many services we offer.

Integrative Family Medicine

We do our best to blend the latest advances in conventional medicine along with clinically proven alternative therapies.

Functional Medicine

Functional medicine is a personal, evidence-based approach to healthcare.


Evaluating the impact of your diet is an essential step to achieving your wellness goals.

Weight Loss

Our program is designed for all individuals wanting to optimize health, prevent disease, and lose weight.

Osteopathic Manipulation

OMT is hands-on care that diagnoses, treats, and prevents illness.


Medical acupuncture effectively manages pain, balances energy, and treats a variety of conditions.

Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement

We prescribe BHRT for both men and women in various forms.


In addition to conventional lab tests, we offer many alternative laboratory evaluations.


HeartSmartIMTplus uses ultrasound imaging to measure the Intima Media Thickness...

Breast Thermography

A painless, radiation free, totally non-invasive functional way to assess breast health.

Prolo/PRP Injections

Prolotherapy, PRP, and Stem Cell therapies are non-surgical treatments that stimulate the body’s healing.

Allergy Testing

Our comprehensive allergy program includes skin or blood testing as well as food.

Medical Group Visits

Designed to guide and motivate you toward a variety of health-related goals in a group setting.

Exercise Training Sessions

Training sessions are geared specifically to your current fitness level to optimize your health.

VO2 Max Testing

A true measure of your fitness level that we can use to help you meet your fitness goals.

Body Composition Analysis

Accurately monitor the impact of any diet and fitness program.

Basal Metabolic Rate Testing

Quickly learn your metabolic rate with a simple breath test to determine how many calories your body needs to meet your goals.

Max Pulse Evaluation

A snapshot into your cardiovascular system that evaluates arterial elasticity (arterial stiffness), which is related to atherosclerosis.

Live02 Exercise with Oxygen

LiveO2 delivers at least 3x more oxygen than other EWOT systems—literally all the oxygen your body can breathe.

Sunlighten Full Spectrum Infrared sauna

Our full spectrum sauna has NEAR-Infrared light that aids in pain relief, MID-Infrared light that assists in weight loss, and FAR-Infrared that deepens the core sweat and is whole-

Whole Body Vibration

Shown to increase bone density, muscle strength and flexibility in a remarkably short amount of time: 10 minutes with this system is the equivalent of 30-60 minutes of

Heart Math EMWave

EMWave is an innovative handheld device that helps you calm an overwhelmed mind and achieve emotional balance.

Alpha-Stim M

Proven to effectively reduce acute, chronic, and post-traumatic pain as well as Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) to relieve anxiety, depression, and insomnia.

Hyperbaric Oxygen

HBOT enhances the body’s innate ability to repair and regenerate by inhalation of 100% oxygen in a total body chamber.

Spinal Decompression

Involves stretching the spine, using a motorized device, with the goal of relieving back pain and/or leg pain.


We understand that looking your best improves the way you feel about yourself and your life.

23andMe Genetic Interpretations

Our custom report provides recommendations for how to modify gene expression with nutrition and lifestyle modifications.

Alkaline Hydrogen Water

Hydration is a fundamental key to health, with alkaline ionized water it supercharges your hydration process.

IV Therapies

The fastest way to deliver fluids and medications throughout the body, to jumpstart your healing process.


Monday8 am - pm

Tuesday8 am - 5 pm

Wednesday8 am - 5 pm

Thursday8 am - 5 pm

Friday9 am - 1 pm

The office is closed from 12-1 for lunch.

Get In Touch

  • 11 Medical Drive, Amarillo, TX 79106

  • (806) 355-9355

  • (806) 340-7975